Veterinary Medicine Internship in Ghana - Lowest Fees & High-Impact Projects


  • Learn new skills or improve on existing skills, such as animal examination and treatment.
  • Earn international volunteering experience working at a veterinary center in Ghana.
  • Spend a few weeks in Ghana and explore the local culture while living with a host family.
  • Perform a variety of tasks, including administration of medication and vaccines.
  • Add to your CV or resume with this great experience


Ghana has many veterinary problems peculiar to itself. This position has varying levels of animal contact, and can be informative for those considering a career in the field of veterinary medicine.

If you have a passion for working with animals, either in the field of veterinary medicine or in a more general animal care-oriented role, then this program is a perfect way for you to gain some knowledge and put your skills into practice. The veterinary volunteer/intern program is designed to provide a good learning experience for anyone who has an interest in animals and has a career goal in the veterinary profession.

Important Information

You would be involved in the day-to-day duties of the veterinarian center with the regular staff in animal health care issues and assisting with immunizations for parasite management, nutrition supplements, administration of medication, vaccinations to animals, assisting with animal examination, diagnostics, treatments of animal patient for and recovery from surgery.

Inexperienced vet volunteer/interns will participate in surgical pack sterilization while experienced vets will perform surgery, under the supervision and assistance of licensed host country veterinarians. Our veterinary program is available for undergraduates and recently graduated students taking a gap year or career break or for those professionals anxious to share their professional knowledge, experience, and expertise.

You’ll begin each morning with breakfast at your host family’s house. You’ll then get dressed into clothes you don’t mind getting dirty before grabbing a tro tro or shared taxi to your placement. On your first day, a staff member will accompany you and show you the way.
A typical day on this project can start as early as 7am and end around 3pm. You can either eat a packed lunch during the day, or wait until your shift is over and enjoy lunch back at your host family’s house.

You’ll meet with your supervisor and discuss the day’s activities before setting out for the day. You’ll be involved in administering vaccinations, as well as assisting with operations and routine treatments, and observing post mortems.

In the evenings and over the weekends, you’ll have time to yourself. Use this time to sample traditional dishes like Jollof rice, enjoy the beach in Cape Coast, and spend time with other interns and volunteers.

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