Marine Conservation Expeditions in Belize
- Dive in UNESCO World Heritage Site Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve
- Collect data used to inform national conservation policy
- Learn to dive or improve your skills!
- Live life on a remote tropical island
- Contribute to world leading marine conservation organisation
Our work is built on a foundation of rigorous empirical research. From fishery stock assessments to socio-economic surveys, all of our conservation programmes are monitored and evaluated to ensure maximum impact.
Based in the fishing village of Sarteneja and the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve, our marine conservation dive expeditions offer volunteers from around the world a unique opportunity to get involved with Blue Ventures’ marine research and community conservation work. From coral reef surveys to homestays with a local family and environmental education, expedition volunteers are immersed in the full breadth of our innovative and integrated programmes. You’ll be living in a beautiful tropical setting alongside vibrant coastal cultures whilst gaining scientific research skills and SCUBA diving qualifications.
Our publications detail the results of our marine research and conservation programmes, from quantifying mangrove carbon stocks to the economic value of small-scale fisheries.
Rebuilding Fisheries:
We support coastal communities to rebuild their fisheries, establishing temporary fishery closures and permanent marine reserves, while adding value to seafood supply chains.
Blue Forests:
We support coastal communities to link the conservation of mangrove, seagrass and coastal wetland habitats with international carbon markets and other payments for ecosystem services.
We support coastal communities to diversify their livelihoods, developing lucrative sea cucumber and seaweed farms with private sector partners as a way of reducing fishing pressure and alleviating poverty.
Community Health:
We support local women to offer health education and services in their villages, enabling couples to plan and better provide for their families, improving food security and enhancing local conservation efforts.
We support coastal communities to develop the skills they need to diversify their livelihoods and manage their marine resources sustainably, from school scholarships through to environmental education and technical training.