Rural Community Development in Brazil
- Get an opportunity to witness the life in rural Brazil
- Lend a helping hand to those in need and make a meaningful impact
- Share your skills and knowledge to make improvements in the communities
- Gain new perspectives and Brazilian cultural immersion
Go Brazil works with Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) in Brazil whose aim is to strengthen and enforce political rights of the rural population particularly concerning the agrarian reform. Their daily tasks include a wide range from public relations over political education and mobilization to agrotechnical advice for landless families and small-scale farmers. Currently the CPT accompanies about 2.000 families in 34 rural settlements all over Alagoas (northeastern state in Brazil).
Volunteers can participate in the office work in the headquarter in Maceió, performing administrative tasks and helping organize and realize political events. But there will also be the possibility to get to know the rural settlements. Currently volunteers are especially welcomed for improving the internet presence, providing archiving work, fundraising and implementation of alternative forms of agriculture, but are also invited to bring own ideas about their assistance.