Bali Childcare Volunteer


  • Contribute towards the UN’s sustainable development goal no.4 – education
  • A top destination for first-timers looking for a secure & social experience
  • Encourage a positive environment for learning, play & social interaction
  • Structured weekend trips to the Gili Islands & UBUD
  • Experience the friendliness & beauty of traditional Balinese culture


Want to share your time, energy and enthusiasm with children across the world? As a childcare volunteer in Bali, you can make a positive impact in the local community of Tabanan. From supporting daily care, organising crafts and creative activities, to teaching English through songs and music. You’ll have the opportunity to volunteer with children in Bali between 1-8 years old, giving them an amazing head start before they begin formal schooling.

As a childcare volunteer in Bali, your main role will be sharing your time, enthusiasm and skills to help encourage and care for these children. By exposing them to the English language you are providing them with an early opportunity for social interaction and educational development. This childcare volunteer abroad program is a hugely rewarding experience and very enjoyable. AYou are encouraged to structure the day to ensure you get the balance right between keeping it fun with play activities, whilst keeping it controlled and routined with some basic learning activities.

Above all, lesson planning is essential. Get creative with different enrichment activities to foster positive social development. You can use songs, music, puzzles, interactive props and educational resources to get the kids engaged. Local coordinators will be on hand to support you at the project as well. Balinese children are an absolute joy to teach and work with, their enthusiasm for learning is guaranteed to make you smile! Working with this age group is not as structured as teaching older children. In other words, their language can be improved simply through play and interaction. As a result, just a few words or phrases will stand them in good stead for learning English in the future. If you volunteer with children in Bali, you’ll need to prepare activities for this accordingly.

The most important thing is that you engage the children, get them excited about coming to kindergarten and learning new things. Your role is not limited to just teaching and volunteers are actively encouraged to get involved in other areas such as arts & crafts, physical education and helping local staff in their day-to-day role. What activities you choose when you volunteer in Bali is completely up to you.

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