Coaching Volunteer in Mexico


  • Develop the team and share your passion for sports
  • Gain a hands-on coaching experience in Mexico
  • Encourage the team and provide them with tools for a betters future
  • Learn about the Mexican culture and community


GIRLS UNITED MEXICO is a football club for girls and young women based in Bacalar, Mexico. All programmes and training sessions are dedicated to empowering players through football skills sessions, fun matches and making new friends. Coaches of all levels of experience are invited to complete 6-8 weeks volunteering with Girls United on the International Coaching Programme in Bacalar, Mexico. Girls United connects volunteers and children from distinct backgrounds but with a common desire to play football, join our mission to explore, inspire and empower.

Coaching: Undertake an intensive coaching course to prepare yourself for the pitch. Go beyond your comfort zone and grow as an athlete, leader and individual.

Community: Engage with the community through a range of cultural activities and immerse in the language through an intensive Spanish course.

Impact: Take part in a genuine cultural exchange and inspire girls to be leaders on and off the pitch.

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