Environmental Conservation Volunteer in Tanzania


  • Work towards a sustainable future and a better world
  • Improve the lives of the people and raise awareness in Tanzania
  • Learn about conservation work with hands-on practice
  • Learn about a new culture and witness the beauty of Tanzania


Grand Tanzanian Love aims at playing a vital role in Environment conservation. GTL focused in the following areas :

-tree and flower planting but mainly tree planting
-grass cutting
- Renewable energy

Tree planting: To facilitate tree planting program, GTL has a big Tree nursery in tengeru-Arusha In this tree nursery variety of trees has been planted such as Midodoma tree, loliondo trees, Croton trees etc. Our tree planting campaign is normally conducted in public organizations such as hospitals, schools etc

Grass cutting GTL participants normally get involved in grass cutting programs in public areas such public hospital as part of volunteering activities. Among other things our goal is to fight against Malaria and to keep our environment clean and neat.

Renewable energy: We focus on educating the society such as students at schools, employees in public and private sectors such as hospitals, education institutions, and other organizations. Basically we educate everyone about how to save energy around their environment and renewable options available. Setting education campaign about recycling.

Basically through our campaign we can turn a school into an eco-school. We consider the following ideas:

A Hospital garden growing organic vegetables - These could even be used in hospital canteen or possibly preparing food for admitted patients.
A School garden growing organic vegetables - These could even be used in a Home Economics lessons
A school composting site that could be used to help public school garden flourish
A school energy survey could be carried out. This could then be followed by some key implementations such as energy efficient light bulbs and signs educating people to switch lights off
Water from a school roof could be collected and used to water a school garden.

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