Atoll Volunteers



Atoll Volunteers is a young and vibrant organisation run by local and international volunteers on Naifaru island in the Maldives. We are run through our parent NGO Naifaru Juvenile, which was founded in 2000 by three local Maldivians, and has grown over the years to include a number of volunteer programmes, including Marine Conservation, teaching and medical placements.

We are dedicated to securing the most exciting and beneficial projects for our volunteers while still making sure that as much attention and funding as possible is funneled directly into our community. Most importantly, we believe that volunteering does not need to be all work and no play, and that the most rewarding of volunteer programmes allow you to enjoy your placement, at the same time as giving back to our community.

Our community is desperate for your help in so many ways, but in return, we promise to welcome you into our lives as a friend, show you the best that the “real” Maldives has to offer, and be on hand to support you in any way we can. We may not be able to offer you the luxuries of the 5 star hotels, but the natural beauty of the Maldives is not limited to resorts – idyllic beaches, uninhabited islands and some of the world’s most beautiful coral reefs teeming with marine life of every colour are yours to explore. We provide accommodation in our volunteer house, Aqua Inn, which is simple, but modern and clean, similar to what you would expect to find in a European beach resort.

Our mission is to ensure that you leave the Maldives having experienced the warmth and friendliness of our people, explored our islands, been amazed at the beauty of our marine life, made a real difference to our community, and hopefully come to love the little island that we call home.

We endeavour to provide the best volunteering experience that the Maldives has to offer, and have a range of customised placements which have been planned in cooperation with our Marine Centre, schools, hospitals, sporting teams and local community of over 6000 people.

So come and join us for the chance to live the ultimate experience in island volunteering, knowing that you will help make a real difference in our community!

Naifaru balan aadhey!

See you in Naifaru!


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3 Atoll Volunteers Programs

Marine Conservation (Maldives)
Project Types:
Wildlife and Animal Care, Sea Turtle and Marine Conservation... See More
Atoll Volunteers
2 - 12 Weeks
Medical Placement Volunteer Program (Maldives)
Project Types:
Development, Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry, Field Studies,... See More
Atoll Volunteers