Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)



The Environmental Conservation & Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) is a Ugandan registered Community Member Based None Governmental Organisation established 2007 and legally registered with the Government of Uganda.

The organisation aims at sustainably improving livelihoods of the critically vulnerable absolutely poor women and children in Uganda. The organisation mainly works with small holder women dependent agriculture for a livelihood, women infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, women heading household’s young adolescent mothers, plus orphans and vulnerable children.

Eco Agric Uganda’s activities involve promoting improved agricultural production, enhanced rural livelihoods and healthy environment through advocacy, research, trainings and capacity building.
Its core values which include; a) Transparency and Accountability; b) Innovativeness & Professionalism; c) Partnerships and Networking; d) Gender equality; and e) Commitment to Sustainable Development of communities that takes into account contemporary cross cutting issues such as; Gender, Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation, HIV/AIDS, MDGS, and National Development Plans and Strategies.

Organisations vision: A healthy and empowered population living in a sustainable environment.

Organisations mission: To improve community livelihoods through rights empowerment, sustainable agricultural production; environmental conservation; health education and promotion; economic empowerment and nutrition; skills development; and educational support.

Organisations Goal: To contribute to improved livelihoods of communities and health outcomes in Uganda.

#Environmental #Conservation #Agricultural #Enhancement #Uganda #Ugandan #Community Member #NGO #NoneGovernmentalOrganisation #organisation #sustainably #Livelihoods #vulnerable #poor #women #children #Uganda #smallholder #farmers #farming #agriculture #HIV/AIDS, #mothers #orphans #vulnerablechildren #agriculturalproduction #enhancedrurallivelihoods #healthy #environment #advocacy #research, #trainings #capacitybuilding #Transparency #Accountability #Innovativeness #Professionalism #Partnerships #Networking #Genderequality #SustainableDevelopment #ClimateChangeAdaptation #Climate #Change #Adaptation #Mitigation #MDGS #NationalDevelopmentPlans #sustainableenvironment #rightsempowerment #sustainableagriculturalproduction #environmentalconservation #healtheducation #economicempowerment #nutrition #skillsdevelopment #educationalsupport


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3 Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) Programs

Support Local Ugandan women/children while staying in a home away...
Age Range
18 / 80 Years
Project Types:
Orphanage and Childcare, Teaching English, Medical and Healt... See More
Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)
From $31
1 - 36 Weeks
Volunteer, get valuable work experience as you travel the world
Age Range
18 / 30 Years
Project Types:
Dancing, Drama, Hands-On Learning, Instructor, Internships,... See More
Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)
From $45
4 - 9 Weeks
Gain new perspectives as you develop your soft skills with Eco-Ag...
Age Range
18 / 30 Years
Project Types:
Business, Development, Education, Environmental Education, M... See More
Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)
From $45
6 - 24 Weeks