Teachers Across Borders


United States

Teachers Across Borders, Inc. (TAB) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, established in 2002 to support professional development for teachers in emerging countries. TAB has conducted professional development workshops in Myanmar and Cambodia since 2004 and South Africa since 2011. The first TAB workshop was hosted in Yangon, Myanmar in 2004. TAB brings volunteer expert teachers from the US and Europe to share and model good teaching practices in specific content areas. Workshop leaders actively engage Cambodian colleagues in learner-centered teaching. Workshops topics range from ESL and educational leadership to primary and secondary language arts, social studies, science and math. All staff and participating teachers work on a volunteer basis.

​Since 2005, TAB has focused on Cambodia, helping teacher colleagues make efforts to rebuild their educational system from bottom to top. As Cambodians are gradually rebuilding their schools, Cambodian teachers in small villages and cities seek in-service teacher training, professional development, and improved classroom materials as more children are able to go to school and stay in school longer. TAB supports the work of these teachers through teacher education, honorariums, curriculum development, discussion and networking.

In 2011, TAB integrated an existing program supporting teachers in South Africa. Other developing countries in Asia and Africa have similar compelling needs in education, and TAB is now actively evaluating a 2016 program in Myanmar.


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1 Teachers Across Borders Programs

Education & Helping Teachers Volunteer in Myanmar
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Others, Education
Teachers Across Borders